
Welcome to BEAN, the Built Environment Alumni Network. BEAN is established to improve the connection between alumni themselves, alumni and students, and alumni and the department. The network has as its vision to unite the alumni of the Built Environment on three levels: Connecting, Broadening and Networking. Connecting by facilitating mutual contact. Broadening by organizing interesting events. Networking by organizing events where one gets into informal contact. All disciplines of the Built Environment are united in BEAN. The disciplines will be covered by events organized by the network. This also has as a result that knowledge expansion takes places and the network of alumni is broadened.


In 2019 during the board year of the 34th board of CHEOPS, Study Association of the Built Environment, Joep Dirx and Gijs Ebbers worked hard on establishing BEAN. However due to the pandemic they decided to postpone it since an online launch is less effective than a live one.

During the board year of the 36th board of CHEOPS Yannick Fermin and Tristan Louw decided to pick up BEAN again. In February 2022 BEAN was officially established and in April 2022 the first activity was held.

In September 2022 the BEAN board was expanded with Jonar Nikkels and Wouter Kortleve joining the board as part of the policy plan of the 37th board of CHEOPS.

In September 2023 the BEAN board switched members. Soon to be alumni Britt van de Laar, Dennis Andreoli, Joep Dirx and Luc Snoeren joined the board. Lastly Rosa Kievit, secretary of CHEOPS, became part of the board to keep a close connection to CHEOPS.

In 2025, Gijs Ebbers joined the board of BEAN again, as well as Rick van Kollenburg from the board of CHEOPS. Britt van de Laar left, but Rosa stayed on as a board member.